The Year That Was, And What’s To Come

*creeps up to dusty, neglected blog* *blows dust off neglected blog* *coughs* Much better. It’s strange to discuss the past year, isn’t it? For me, it was divided into two parts. The first part was filled with remote teaching and online tutoring, which, given the circumstances requiring those things, made me loathe my computer. Not…

What Was Good About 2020?

This happened on Twitter last night, which was New Year’s Eve: My Gen-X heart may or may not have skipped a beat. The year 2020, which I can now happily say was last year, will be famously remembered for being largely horrible for general reasons I don’t need to expand on here. Personally, it presented…

Top 3 Comma Errors To Avoid

Alternate title: Oh God a Post on Commas Whyyyyyyy Well, no. We don’t have to. But a couple of things happened recently that brought us here. The first was a response I left on Twitter. It was more a subtle jab at my grammar-nerdy self than an actual question (hence the lack of question mark).…

Have You Discovered Very Short Stories?

*peeks out of Editing Cave* *sees life has carried on* *puts on pants and cracks neck* I return to society having finished the first draft and first round of edits for my next book. It’s now in the hands of a couple of talented critique partners, and while I wait for their notes, I thought…

Are You A Dirty Genre Hopper?

When you’re choosing a new book to read, what genres do you find yourself exploring? Do you stick primarily to one, or do you branch out? I encountered the titled question in the newsletter of my friend and fellow author, Al Macy, and my first thought was I hadn’t considered genre hopping “dirty” before. I do…