How Do You Maintain The Writerly Temple?

Everyone knows we feel better overall if we eat healthy foods and exercise. Or as Chuck Wendig said somewhere, we would do well to treat ourselves better than we would treat a bathroom at Wendy’s. Turns out there’s a reason for that advice. I’ve been admittedly lazy the past several months. For a little while I was…

The Haiku Challenge

This week’s flash fiction challenge isn’t so much about a story as it is about poetry. Haikus, to be exact.     I used to teach poetry. The result of this is I can punch out a Haiku in about ten seconds. My cat is sitting right next to me, so I’ll write one about her.…

Odd Historical Facts Make Funny Inspirational Posters

Someone suggested I tweet historical facts, because my book is an historical mystery. Not a bad idea, I thought. That was until I started digging for said facts. Most are, well, boring. Some are just plain weird. Sure, I could tweet them, but I thought it would be more fun to display them as if…

100 Awesome Things For The 100th Post

Well, somehow I managed to find enough material for 100 blog posts. This marks number 100. I know, I can’t believe it either. Today’s post is loosely based on the 1000 Awesome Things website and books. There may be things on my list that are also on that one, but I don’t know because I…