5 Things I Learned From My Kitten

Meet Meeker. Meeker is an eleven-week-old Siamese mix kitten. He joined our family last Saturday. We’d been talking about getting  a kitten for a couple of months, since one of our adult cats died. The remaining adult cat, Lily, seemed happy to be by herself, but it didn’t take long for the kitten talk to…

What Should We Be Scared Of?

Halloween is coming, and there are some scary things in the news. Ebola. Isis. The election. *shudder* I read an article today that said as long as you don’t live in West Africa, your odds of contracting Ebola, even with the reported procedural lapses, are worse than your odds of being crushed to death by…

Do You Punish People With Your Social Media Practices?

Ironically, WordPress trolled me and decided to publish this when it was only a title, proving the publishing status of “draft” completely useless. Not Punishing People Rule #1: Don’t send title-only posts to your followers’ email. Sorry, email followers. Stupid WordPress. Anyway. I’m here today to discuss how people punish their followers with their social…

100 Awesome Things For The 100th Post

Well, somehow I managed to find enough material for 100 blog posts. This marks number 100. I know, I can’t believe it either. Today’s post is loosely based on the 1000 Awesome Things website and books. There may be things on my list that are also on that one, but I don’t know because I…

7 Ways To Not Suck At Life

If you spend more than 10 minutes among the general public, you know that there are more than enough obnoxious behaviors to go around. I don’t know if I’m just cranky or things are really getting worse, but I’ve been noticing them more lately. Consider this post a crude response to a pretend Dear Abby…

10 Silly Things I’m Thankful For

Thanksgiving is five days away. Five. Right now, I’m thankful that I’m not at the grocery store. We’re all thankful for the obvious things: family, homes, etc. But what are you thankful for that’s just silly? That you might even feel a  little guilty about? That’s what I want to talk about. Here are my top…

5 Things I Hope To See In The Future

In the second Back to the Future movie, Marty travels to the year 2015. That is three short years from now, and I see no evidence of the futuristic wonders that are portrayed in the movie. Hoverboards? Please. Self-drying coats? Not likely. Hologram sharks? Well, after someone brought Tupac “back” via hologram, that one might…

4 Fun Things I Did As A Kid That My Kids Will Never Experience

When I started elementary school, my school had an awesome playground. As I progressed through the grades, the playground became increasingly sucky as all the fun equipment was removed because of risk of injury to the users. Incidentally, the only severe injury I ever personally saw was caused by a dumpster lid. But I digress.…

10 Things I Love About My Dad

Tomorrow is Father’s Day, meaning it’s time to think about Dad. I think my dad is truly special, because there are some things about him that are just, well, him. These are the top 10 things I love about my dad. 1. You know the sound Goofy makes when he falls down a big hill?…