The WooSong Warriors: An Underdog Story

The past couple of days, I’ve been with my sons at their Taekwondo tournament. Athletes from all over the world gathered to compete in an array of events, including board breaking, traditional and creative forms (see the first video – my son is the one on the right), and team events.   First thing on…

In Times Of Uncertainty, Remember The Constants

My kid skipped home after school today. I tried to get it on video. I clearly failed to capture the skipping, but do you see what I did capture? Unless the weather is crappy, I get to see that beautiful mountain on the walk home from my son’s school twice every day. Today it looks especially…

Do You Remember The Day You Stopped Singing?

I’ve been a legal adult for half of my life now, and I gotta say, we adults are screwed up. The prospect of growing up is scary to a lot of kids. Sure, they talk about how awesome it would be to eat whatever they want and not have bedtime, but the whole concept of…