Flash Fiction: Late

Yesterday, I received some interesting writing contest prompts from Reedsy in my inbox, all dealing with form, and I decided to give one a shot. As the prompt creator, author Erik Harper Klass, describes, considering form is a different way to attack fiction writing. I’ve always been intrigued with the form and structure of stories—as…

Flash Fiction: A Life Regained

A few months ago, I entered a rhyming short story contest and progressed to the second round. A few days ago, I learned I didn’t progress further.

Kind of a bummer but not surprising. Competition is tight, and there are many, many great writers out there. That said, I feel I did my best. I wanted to share my story.

I was assigned a specific genre, theme, and emotion. Can you guess what they were?

Flash Fiction: An Almost Perfect World

In September, I entered NYC Midnight’s first ever rhyming story challenge. Over 3,000 writers were placed into one of 88 groups, and each group was assigned a genre, theme, and emotion, about which the writers had to complete a rhyming story with a plot. My group’s assignment was Science Fiction, Forbidden, and Abandoned. Last night,…

Flash Fiction: The Guardian

In the late afternoon sun, we head away from the car parked alone in the dirt lot, quickly reaching the shade provided by the rock face. Caleb walks toward the nearest cliff, glancing behind him. “You sure you’re ready for this?” I nod, peering beyond him for a hidden crevice or cave I might have…

Flash Fiction: Forbidden Beef

Last November, I entered a 250-word flash fiction contest hosted by NYC Midnight. Thousands of writers entered, and we were placed into groups of 50-or-so and assigned an action, a word, and a genre. Our story had to include all three parts, and the top ten in each group would advance to the second round.…

Flash Fiction: Cheese and Crackers

This week’s prompt over at Carrot Ranch is a fun one: In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about snacking. It can feature crunchy snacks or creamy one. Who is snacking on what and why? My take may be esoteric, but enough writers follow this blog that I think it will be…

Flash Fiction: The Jump

A few weeks ago, I entered my 100-word story in the second round of of NYC Midnight‘s flash fiction contest. I was assigned a genre, action, and word, and had 24 hours to craft my story. Sadly, I didn’t make the top ten this round, so I’m out of the game. I suspect that’s partly…