Flash Fiction: The Chimes

After an unintentional break (thanks to unexpected road trips and catching up on post-vacation tasks), I’m more than ready to jump back into flash fictioning. I can think of no better way to do that than with this week’s prompt over at Carrot RanchIn 99 words (no more, no less) use sound to create a story. Just as you might “see” a scene unfold, think about how it might sound. Even one sound to set the tone is okay.

Mine ended up being creepier than I initially imagined. Enjoy!

The Chimes


A familiar chord greets me as I step onto the curb. Amazing those old wind chimes carry this far. As the Uber drives away, I stare at my childhood home. Its color has faded in the past twenty years.

But that E-chord still sounds, not as cleanly but definitely as present. I follow it across the dead grass, through the rusty metal gate, and into the back yard.

She sits on the porch, the chimes ringing above her despite the still air.

Her focus centers on me, and a chill shoots through my body.

“I knew you’d come back.”

18 thoughts on “Flash Fiction: The Chimes

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