Flash Fiction: The Sign

Welcome to my latest response to Charli’s prompt over at Carrot Ranch: In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story that includes a sign. It can be a posted sign, a universal sign, a wonder. 

I tried to be funny. You can decide if I succeeded.

The Sign


I dash up the street, my young son’s hand in mine. We weave through the crowd, bumping into a lumbering old man and a child picking something sticky off the pavement.

“Mommy! Slow down!”

I don’t. I know what slowing down means, even if my boy of three doesn’t.

There’s an open store on the corner. A tourist shop selling postcards, plastic jewelry, and native blankets from Mexico. As I yank on the handle, I see the depressing sign: Restroom is for customers only.

“Mommy, I gotta go!”

Guess I’ll be adding a pack of gum to my supply.

12 thoughts on “Flash Fiction: The Sign

  1. Pingback: Where the Bored Mind Wanders | Allison Maruska

  2. Pingback: Signs « Carrot Ranch Literary Community

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