Seven More Authors You Need To Meet Right Now

Before Project Liberatio came out, I published a Five Authors You Need To Meet Right Now post, through which you met some talented authors who have been kind enough to support my work.

knowledge-1052010_1280With Project Ancora just weeks away from release, I want to introduce you to seven more such authors, who have critiqued, written blurbs (for PA and for a few older titles), helped with marketing, and are generally amazing and gifted people who I am happy to have in my writing tribe.

As with the first post, since you can read their official bios by following their social media links, I’m putting a more personal spin on their descriptions.

Author 1 – Leah Vernon

leahLeah is the talented young author of Impure, a YA dystopian novel that completely blew me away. But that’s just the beginning of Leah’s accomplishments. She’s a fashionista with her very own YouTube channel and blog, where she discusses body positivity and diversity, among many other topics (including bikini waxes, but I’ll leave it to her to elaborate on that one). In addition to all that, Leah’s definitely the fanciest person I know.

Some of Leah’s links are up there, but here are more, so you can follow her on the interwebs: Twitter Amazon Goodreads



alAuthor 2 – Al Macy

Al is the amazingly prolific writer of…hold on I need to count…eight books, including five sci-fi/adventure/paranormal novels with humorous twists that I’ve been fortunate enough to critique. One of his characters can read minds, and Al is so smart I wonder sometimes if he can as well.

In addition to writing all the books, Al is an accomplished pianist and cyclist (for fun, I think). He may not sleep. He may be a robot. Better keep an eye on him.

Here are Al’s links! Go forth and follow: Blog Facebook Twitter Amazon Goodreads


Author 3 – Shawna Ayoub Ainslie


Shawna is a writing coach, blogger, editor, and the creator of the #LinkYourLife groups on Twitter and Facebook. They are communities of other writers that exist as support systems for any and every hurdle or celebration its members encounter. Her heart is for people, and that shows in her writing.

As a side note, she once appeared in one of my dreams, and she was over six feet tall. I haven’t met her in person and I don’t think she’s that tall IRL, so that probably means she’s larger than life to my subconscious.

Behold! Shawna’s links! Blog Facebook  Twitter


Author 4 – Dana Griffin

danaDana is the author of some seriously kickass airline thrillers, the fourth of which I’m currently critiquing. What’s amazing about that is he’s also a pilot for a major airline, so I wonder if he just really likes scaring the crap out of himself. Click on his Amazon link at the end of this section to see the scary-looking covers, because damn.

Dana’s a book blogger (he was kind enough to review The Fourth Descendant), enjoys camping, chases grandkids around, and has a great sense of humor. He had me laughing out loud when he suggested having my characters hire him to steal a 737 for them.

Links for your clicking pleasure: Blog Twitter Amazon Goodreads


Author 5 – Lisa Tortorello


Lisa is a teacher and author of her memoir called My Hero, My Ding.  She has also written two beautiful children’s stories featuring moose. Mooses. Meese? Those big, antlered animals that live in the woods. Not only are they in the books, they’re all over her Facebook and probably in her house (stuffed ones. I think). Crazy about the mooses, she is.

Lisa also happens to be one of my first writer friends (I’m not sure she knows that!). She read an early draft of Project Renovatio waaaaaay before it was even under contract. It was new. I was new. And she still liked it, so that’s something.

The links! Click them! Facebook Twitter Amazon Goodreads


Author 6 – Allison Gammons


I met Allison on Twitter when I was fairly new to the site – we bonded immediately over a joke about building homeless shelters out of books. Turns out we share more than a name. We’re both voracious bookworms.

Allison is the author of her popular blog Eclectic Alli, where she posts about her writing process, short story compilations, world events, general geekery, and reading challenges.

Follow the yellow brick links: Blog Facebook Twitter


Author 7 – Virginia Finnie

virginiaVirginia is the talented author of the Hey Warrior Kids! series and It’s a Super-Bad Terrible Day!, a collection of children’s books that entertain and teach valuable life lessons. She works directly with kids and even created “armor” that goes with her books for kids to wear at her presentations. It’s adorable.

And in the interest of transparency, she also happens to be my mom. Hi, Mom! *waves*

She says she’d like my books even if she wasn’t my mom.

My mom thinks I’m cool. *shoves slides glasses up nose and clears throat*


Good thing she’s the last one on the post, because I’m out of ways to say “click the links”. Facebook Twitter Website Amazon Goodreads


That’s it! You’ve reached the end! Now go click on those links and discover new reads.

7 thoughts on “Seven More Authors You Need To Meet Right Now

  1. Thank you for this mention. I really appreciate it. I’m still smiling over your description of my novels.

    You have a good group of authors supporting. Good luck with the release of… what was the name of your latest novel? 😎 Just kidding. Good luck with PROJECT ANCORA. Let me now when it’s live so I can get a copy.

    Liked by 1 person

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