Taliana’s Spring Adventure Begins!

I had the pleasure of co-authoring the first installment of Tiliana’s Spring Adventure with Eclectic Alli. Check it out! Thanks for the idea, Alli. 🙂

Eclectic Alli

Things Are Not What They Seem

Welcome to the next of Taliana’s Events!  I’d love for you to join us — if you decide to write a post for this be sure to link to this post so that I can find your post.

Unlike previous events, Taliana is not inviting you all to a party, rather she is on an adventure of her own which will wind her through different worlds.  If you’re interested in having Taliana playing a role in your story please contact me so I can at least have a heads up!  Otherwise she may simply observe the story as she ventures through the different worlds that exist.

Now, Taliana starts the adventure!  This segment co-written with the wonderful Allison Maruska!

Taliana shut the Book of Evegran, her mind wandering as she looked at the pond.  The months since her birthday had been spent in planning for this.  

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