Flash Fiction: Get Out!

Know what was fun? That 99-word flash fiction challenge I did a couple of weeks ago. So I decided to take part in the next challenge over at Carrot Ranch.

This is the prompt this round:

In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story about something or someone not allowed.

Here goes!

Get Out!


The enemy jet comes straight for me. He fires.

“Not this time!” I dive. The rockets fly over me, falling to the ocean.

I shake my fist. “Ha ha! You think you’re so cool!”

He loops around. My alert sounds. Woop woop!

Banking to the right, I avoid his rocket and launch my own. I hit him! Kablooey!

His parachute opens as the fiery remains of his jet splash into the water.

I raise my arm. “Woo hoo! Victory!”

My door creaks open and Mom peeks in. “Lunch is ready, honey.”

I drop my toy plane. “Mom! Get out!”

20 thoughts on “Flash Fiction: Get Out!

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