Funny Friday: The One With The Tip Jars

tip jarThe great thing about Funny Friday posts is they make me find all the funny in the world. Today’s post takes something that can be uncomfortable and turns it into something that could brighten someone’s day: the tip jar.

I think tip jars are a mainly American thing, and to be honest, I don’t always understand their presence either. I just paid $4.50 for a cup of coffee. I’m supposed to put my change in the container as a “thank you” for doing the job you’re here to do? And it took you two minutes to do it? Okay….

The good news is some business owners have completely removed the awkward, and I bet they get more tips because of it.

Final note before we get down to funny business: these pics came from all over the interwebs. I make no personal claim to them.

Throw one of these in a bookstore with the title  "oxford comma vs. no oxford comma", and the bookstore would experience record profits.

Throw one of these in a bookstore with the title “oxford comma vs. no oxford comma”, and the bookstore would have all the money.

The humanitarian route is always a sure one.

The humanitarian route is always a sure one.

sexually attractive

A little flattery never hurts.

I'll be right back. I need to go collect all the money and put it in this jar.

I’ll be right back. I need to go collect all the money and put it in this jar.

When all else fails, internet memes will guarantee contributions from those of us who like to pretend we have lives.

When all else fails, internet memes will guarantee contributions from those of us who like to pretend we have lives.

Yes, kids. He is real. Never give up.

Yes, kids. He is real. Never give up.

The introvert angle. Nice one.

The introvert angle. Nice one.

This poems speaks to me.

This poems speaks to me.

3 thoughts on “Funny Friday: The One With The Tip Jars

  1. very funny! 🙂 i also once saw one, and it was something like: every time you tip, a Justin Bieber fan dies (hope you’re not a Justin Bieber fan, if so, just pretend my comment doesn’t exist) 🙂


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