Funny Friday: The One With The Signs

Okay, so this has been a really busy week and I didn’t have adequate time to think of an original Funny Friday post. Ergo, I bring you funny signs!

I know these aren’t new. I’ve been around the interwebs long enough to realize this. So my goal here is to present signs that are new to me (except for the police one – that one’s just funny every time. *snicker*).  If inspiration strikes, I will add funny captions.

Now, for my mom’s friends who like blog posts with lots of pictures, I bring you the signs!

police sign


nothing happened

The amount of energy that must have been expended to create this sarcastic wonder makes me stand in awe.


Don’t tell me what to do.


Order matters.




Dammit, Tyler! Give Joey back his head right now!


I love smart people.


Heeeey, Macarena!

pee shark

This one is a two-for-one deal.

This one is a two-for-one deal.

Happy Friday!

7 thoughts on “Funny Friday: The One With The Signs

  1. I think I need to make that second sign from the bottom for my apartment complex’s pool. I think we’ll all be happier if I do. Except small children, who will be frightened.


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